To ensure your Bouvier gets the most out of her annual or semiannual wellness exam, follow the check-up checklist from Mark Stickney, D.V.M., director of general surgery services at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in College Station, Texas:
Review of your dog's medical, surgical, and environmental history since your last visit
A complete physical examination: eyes, ears, nose, skin and coat, muscles, bones, lymph nodes, heart, lungs, pulse, and nervous system
Review of your dog's vaccination requirements and administration of necessary vaccines Yearly heartworm test
Yearly fecal flotation exam
Bloodwork and urinalysis every year beginning at age 7
Bloodwork every six months IF your Bouv is on a long-term medication
- D.L. (excerpted from Dog Life Magazine, date and issue unknown)